LED strip light switch

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  • #30094


    I am installing undercabinet LED strips. In addition, I have cabinets with glass fronts that I am also going to put strips into. I have this setup on both sides of the kitchen. So I want 4 switches to control each aspect, either the undercabinet or the glass cabinet (x2).

    I have been looking all over for a small combination wall-switch that can do this, to no avail

    The only thing that I can find is to buy 2 dual-combination regular 120v switches. But that really is going to take up a lot of space on the wall, which is really overkill. I looked for mini-switches but they all are separate and seem to be made for cars etc.

    Any ideas?


    I didn’t find the right suggestion from the Internet.

    References: https://www.doityourself.com/forum/lighting-light-fixtures-ceiling-exhaust-fans/587805-led-strip-light-switch.html

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